Disabling KDE4 recent documents menu

Posted by Howard Richardson (comments: 1)

I use KDE4 on OpenSuse Linux quite a bit, but one of my niggles is the Recent Documents menu. This thing always shows the last few documents that you've used and can't be turned off, thwarting any of your attempts to keep your privacy on a shared user account.

Luckily I've found a pretty simple way to remove it...

First empty the list by right clicking on it and choosing "Clear Recent Documents". Then try a quick:

chmod u-w ~/.kde4/share/apps/RecentDocuments

This disables write access to the directory where the data is stored. Next time you log in you'll find the Recent Documents menu is no longer there.

Note: if you're not using OpenSuse 11.4 you might find it uses .kde instead of .kde4 as the config directory, so change your command accordingly.

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