Contao "meta.txt" syntax - mystery solved!
Posted by Howard Richardson (comments: 1)
Contao can use a file called meta.txt to set the order and metadata for downloadable files or gallery images, but nowhere is it specified how you should formulate this file. A Google search for "Contao meta.txt syntax" will lead you in fruitless circles. I don't recommend you try it.
After much searching, I eventually found an explanation in a German book, so here translated are the instructions for making your own meta.txt file....
General Format
Filename = Alt text | Link | Description
Filename = Alt text | Link | Description
Files are listed in the order you want them to appear. Link and description are optional, so you could just have:
google.jpg = Google |
Or without a link:
google.jpg = Google || Google-Logo
If you want a line-break, you can set that using double colons...
google.jpg = Google :: The best search engine || Google-Logo
For downloadable files you won't need the link, so this is probably enough:
some_document.doc = My Word document
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Comment by Zod |
Second time i finish in your website today, thank you for your help. I solved this annoying meta syntax and the format date both.